Foxenwood CondosThere are approximately 34 active or contingent condo listings in the Orcutt CA area, and the average list price centers around $220,000. This does not include HUD properties, which are not listed on the local MLS, or for sale by owner units. The most expensive Orcutt condo currently listed is a 2 bedroom 2 bath luxury townhome unit in Foxenwood Garden Villas which is selling for about $699,900. Contrast those prices with the nearby Santa Maria condo market which has about 52 active or contingent listings with an average price around $140,000, with the most expensive being a luxury townhouse in Somerset Gardens listed at $385,000.
So, the prices in Orcutt tend to be higher than in Santa Maria. Some Orcutt locations offer more of a rural or rustic feel than the City of Santa Maria. Orcutt is also close in proximity to Vandenberg Air Force Base. Typically, when newly transferred personnel are searching for off base housing, they consider both the Lompoc and Orcutt areas as they both offer a short commute time to Vandenberg AFB.
Foxenwood Garden VillasOf the 34 units on the Orcutt condo market over half [18] are short sales, and 9 are bank owned properties. So, this market is currently dominated by foreclosures and “pre-foreclosures.” This offers special opportunities for buyers. The condo market has seen tremendous price recession locally as the prices must compete with first time home buyer homes which now begin in the mid $200,000’s in the Orcutt area. For example, in the Village of Northpoint, which offers residents a lovely secluded setting, a tennis court and pool, there are currently two bank owned units. A 4 bedroom bank owned unit in escrow with an asking price of around $215,000, and a 3 bedroom REO which is still sitting on the market for about $240,000 with no takers thus far. The monthly HOA fees in this gorgeous development range around the mid $200s.
If you would like a list of Orcutt condo foreclosures delivered to your email account, send a request to, or if you are coming for a visit to look for housing, I can arrange a personal tour of Orcutt’s condo developments, please contact me at (805) 878-9879, I will be happy to assist you.
*Based on the information from the Central Coast Regional MLS. Neither the Association, the Multiple Listing Service, or Mint Properties guarantees or is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by the Association or its MLS may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.
Finally! Those of you who read my blog recall my recent blog post on buying a foreclosure and not receiving your keys until the day after it closes. It appears that the Claifornia legislature has take a stab at the heart of the problem, which was the fact that buyers were not allwoed to pick their own excrow companies in these transactions. Banks would hire title and escrow companies to complete their foreclosure proceeding and when they turned around to sell the property as an REO, they would compel the buye to use that same title/escrow company to complete the purchase.