Mint Properties announced a new foreclosure search on my website: Potential buyers can search for pre-foreclosure, auction, and bank owned properties. So, you can find information on properties throughout California once they have a Notice of Default (the first step in foreclosure) filed. Some of these properties are already listed as short sales on the local MLS. Others will only be listed if they complete the foreclsoure process and come back as bank owned properties.
San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties have seen a dramatic increase in foreclosure and pre-foreclosure listings. Bank owned and short sale listings currently dominate and/or drive many of the local markets here on the central coast, and along with that we are beginning to see more HUD homes for sale. HUD homes (or condos) are properties that have gone through foreclosure and been taken back by the federal agency “HUD” (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) which insured the original defaulted mortgage.