There are currently 528 homes for sale in the Santa Maria CA (and Orcutt CA) area. Approximately 250 of those homes are short sales where bank approval is necessary to complete the sale. About 141 of the remaining homes are bank owned / foreclosure listings. Thus, approximately 50 percent of the Santa Maria inventory is short saled, and about 25% is bank owned (REOs). You can search for short sales and REO Santa Maria homes at and
The Santa Maria and Lompoc real estate markets are currently dominated by foreclosure listings. Of the 663 active listings for homes/condos in the Santa Maria - Orcutt area, approximately 25% (165) are bank owned properties (REOs), and about 50% (339) were short sales. Similarly in the Lompoc - Vandenberg Village active market for homes and condos, there are 198 total listings, and 20% (39) were REOs and 40% (81) were short sales. This means that 75% of the active market in Santa Maria and 60% of the active market in Lompoc and its surrounding areas could be classified as either a foreclosure or a pre-foreclosure. Certain trends or practices are becoming fairly routine in this market.
There are approximately 34 active or contingent condo listings in the Orcutt CA area, and the average list price centers around $220,000. This does not include HUD properties, which are not listed on the MLS, or for sale by owner units. The most expensive Orcutt condo currently listed is a 2 bedroom 2 bath luxury townhome unit in Foxenwood Garden Villas which is selling for about $699,900. Contrast those prices with the nearby Santa Maria condo market which has about 52 active or contingent listings with an average price around $140,000, with the most expensive being a luxury townhouse in Somerset Gardens listed at $385,000.