Are you in the market for a condo in the Pismo Beach CA (93449)? There are currently 40 condos (and PUDs) listed for sale in the Pismo Beach real estate market. The average price is about $733,000 and sellers are asking about $514 per square foot for condominiums.
Pismo Beach, California foreclosure activity: There are 139 active and pending homes and condos in Pismo Beach currently. Of those 139 properties, 9 homes are foreclosures and 12 are short sales. Looking back six months, there have been 35 sales in Pismo Beach with an average listing price of $671,239, and an avergae selling price of $616,669, so sellers are getting about 91.8% of their asking prices in Pismo Beach
Trying to beat the heat? Looking for a vacation home in Pismo Beach CA? It may be the right time to pick up a beach getaway on the central coast. The number of homes reported sold in Pismo Beach in 2009 was down 14% compared to 2008, and the average sales prices is also down 10%. The number of foreclosure sales (REOs) tripled from the previous year. In 2008, there were only 4 REO sales in Pismo Beach, and in 2009 there were 12 foreclosure sales.
There is a tremendous amount of interest in buying second homes in this market. Due to the financial and housing crisis, some are taking the opportunity to buy a vacation home on the central coast. Although, we have most certainly seen significant price reductions, foreclosure activity is relatively low in Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande & Grover Beach compared to the nearby northern Santa Barbara communities of Santa Maria, Orcutt, & Lompoc.