River Oaks Homes in Santa Maria CA – 1st Quarter 2011 Market Update
River Oaks is a newer subdivision of homes located in northeast Santa Maria. Building began around 2001 and there are at least 5 different floor plans. The subdivision is home to Taylor Elementary School which lies at the center of the development, a man-made lake, and direct access to riverbed adjacent biking and walking trails. There are two one story plans, both are 3 bedroom 2 bath homes which range from about 1400 sq.ft. to 1600 sq.ft.; the two story plans begin at about 1900 sq.ft. and go up to at least 2700 sq. ft., depending on the options the original owner selected. Some of the two story models have 3 car garages, one plan has a downstairs master bedroom, and at least one of the other plans had a downstairs guest bedroom option.